Comment on new report showing global economy is consuming ever more natural resources, while the world is not on track to meet the Sustainable Development Goals

The International Resource Panel (IRP) of UNEP has just published a report Global Resources Outlook 2024. One of the authors Anders Wijkman, a member of the IRP,  an honorary president of the Club of Rome and a friend of EiD has written this commentary on the report in an article on the Reuters website. What … Continue reading Comment on new report showing global economy is consuming ever more natural resources, while the world is not on track to meet the Sustainable Development Goals

As the energy transition gains momentum, attention is turning from renewable energy sources to the materials they are made from

Johnny Wood writes on the WEF website about three sustainable materials that are being used in the renewable energy transition.   3 sustainable materials powering the renewable energy transition Incorporating sustainable materials into energy-transition technologies could help efforts to decarbonize. From wind turbines made of wood to batteries made of sand, several innovations using sustainable … Continue reading As the energy transition gains momentum, attention is turning from renewable energy sources to the materials they are made from

Natural resource extraction has soared by almost 400% since 1970 and now expected to increase by 60% by 2060

A new UN report details how natural resource extraction has increases significantly in recent decades and that trend is expected to continue. The report proposes action to reduce overall demand rather than simply increasing ‘green’ production. Arthur Neslen discusses the report in an article on the Guardian website.   Extraction of raw materials to rise … Continue reading Natural resource extraction has soared by almost 400% since 1970 and now expected to increase by 60% by 2060

New EEA briefing on need for restoration efforts of ecosystems

European nature is not in a good state and it has shown few signs of improvement over the past years. According to European Environment Agency’s (EEA) briefing, published this week, restoration efforts and better ongoing management of ecosystems are needed to safeguard a range of benefits delivered by a healthy nature — to people’s health, … Continue reading New EEA briefing on need for restoration efforts of ecosystems

Examining KPMG’s environmental auditing practices in sustainable forest management

At the climate talks in 2021, world leaders pledged to halt forest loss and degradation by 2030. During a nine-month investigation, 140 journalists from 27 countries delved into why and how nations are falling short of meeting that goal. Scilla Alecci writes on the Inside Climate News about the role of the auditing firm KPMG. … Continue reading Examining KPMG’s environmental auditing practices in sustainable forest management

Five Canadian banks risk being forced to leave UN net-zero banking club

The Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), formed ahead of last year's UN climate conference in Scotland, is part of a larger network called Race to Zero that seeks to rally companies, cities, financial institutions and other civil society groups to steer the world to a climate-safe future. To be a member of GFANZ … Continue reading Five Canadian banks risk being forced to leave UN net-zero banking club

Summer reading – the “wood wide web”

Beneath our feet, a vast microbial network dubbed the "wood wide web" allows trees to communicate and share resources with each other. Natalie Muller discusses in an article on the Deutsche Welle website. As you read about the power of trees, notice that "sweeping across 107 acres of Utah’s Fishlake National Forest is one of … Continue reading Summer reading – the “wood wide web”

Per person, Germany has used as much from nature in just over four months as can be regenerated in the space of a year

Germany has used more resources in the first third of 2022 than are sustainably available to it for an entire year. Anne-Sophie Brändlin explains in an article on the Deutsche Welle website what needs to change.   German Overshoot Day: 'We cannot continue like this' It is only the beginning of May, but already Germany's … Continue reading Per person, Germany has used as much from nature in just over four months as can be regenerated in the space of a year

Understanding our real water use

Water is a precious resource that we need to preserve, even in countries that they think they have an abundance of it. But cutting down on how much we consume has more to do with the food we eat than the length of our showers. Natalie Muller and Neil King discuss "hidden" or "virtual" water in an … Continue reading Understanding our real water use

New EEA briefing that addresses the links between natural resources and Europe’s ambitions in shifting to a sustainable future

Addressing the links between natural resources like food, energy, water, land, materials and ecosystems services is key to supporting Europe’s ambitions in shifting to a sustainable future, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published this week.   A better understanding of links between natural resources can help the EU’s sustainability drive Europe’s drive … Continue reading New EEA briefing that addresses the links between natural resources and Europe’s ambitions in shifting to a sustainable future