Better understanding our global resource footprint

On Aug. 1, humans consumed more natural resources in 2018 than the Earth can regenerate this year. This is getting worse every year and is simply not sustainable. Robert B. Richardson, Associate Professor of Sustainable Development at Michigan State University provides an article on the “full story” behind these estimates.   Yes, humans are depleting … Continue reading Better understanding our global resource footprint

We need to get smarter in how we use our water resources

As we look at resource efficiency in a more comprehensive manner, there is a need to address how we use water. Dragan Savic, Professor of Hydroinformatics at the University of Exeter provides a good article on The Conversation website   Why the world needs to get smarter about water consumption In 1900, just 15% of … Continue reading We need to get smarter in how we use our water resources

European Environment Agency publishes important new report on resource efficiency

At some point, our policies are going to have to take a more integrated approach because at some point we come to the limits of growth, given demographics and a myriad of other factors. While many of us work in specific areas – such as energy efficiency – at some point we have to take … Continue reading European Environment Agency publishes important new report on resource efficiency

Environmental concerns seem to be the exception, not the rule, in the world of computing

Nathan Ensmenger, an associate professor in the School of Informatics and Computing at Indiana University, provides a fascinating article on the environmental impact of computers on the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists website. He reflects on four environmental aspects of the online economy that deserve serious scrutiny from consumers, producers, and regulators alike. You should … Continue reading Environmental concerns seem to be the exception, not the rule, in the world of computing

Important new publication about Ecodesign and resource efficiency

The Danish Ministry of Environment has recently published an important publication that examines how resource efficiency requirements can be integrated into the EU Ecodesign Directive.   Ecodesign Directive version 2.0 - from Energy Efficiency to Resource Efficiency The Ecodesign Directive is one of the policy instruments that can play an important role in the change … Continue reading Important new publication about Ecodesign and resource efficiency

Financing resource efficiency

It is good to see that the international financial institutions are starting to look more broadly and start financing for resource efficiency.   EBRD signs its first resource efficiency credit line in Turkey The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is extending its first credit line under its Sustainable Resource Initiative (SRI) with a … Continue reading Financing resource efficiency