Energy in Demand News, April 28, 2024

Economic damage from natural catastrophes is raising concern that some areas could be rendered uninsurable, according to Petra Hielkema, head of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (Eiopa), quoted in the Financial Times (behind a paywall). “The EU suffered more than €50bn in economic losses from natural catastrophes in both 2021 and 2022, according … Continue reading Energy in Demand News, April 28, 2024

“The fossil fuel lobby is holding us back from negotiating a treaty that will end the plastics crisis”

The fourth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, is taking place in Ottawa, Canada. This meeting is being held pursuant to the resolution adopted by the resumed fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5.2), which requests the UN Environment … Continue reading “The fossil fuel lobby is holding us back from negotiating a treaty that will end the plastics crisis”

Plastics producers deceived public about recycling, report reveals

Companies knew for decades recycling was not viable but promoted it regardless, a Center for Climate Integrity study finds. The findings are discussed in an article by Michael Copley on the National Public Radio website.   Reduce, reuse, redirect outrage: How plastic makers used recycling as a fig leaf The plastics industry has worked for … Continue reading Plastics producers deceived public about recycling, report reveals

Many nations agree that a binding treaty on plastic pollution is critical to solving the plastic pollution problem

As most of us were focussing on COP28 in Dubai, there was also much happening on plastic waste and the implications for energy consumption. In November 2023, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution met in Nairobi, Kenya, for the third negotiating round of a planned five sessions. Not that much headway was made. The … Continue reading Many nations agree that a binding treaty on plastic pollution is critical to solving the plastic pollution problem

Lego ditches oil-free brick in sustainability setback

World’s biggest toymaker says new material made from recycled bottles would have bigger carbon footprint. Latest analysis shows using recycled polyethylene terephthalate (RPET) would have led to higher carbon emissions over the product’s lifetime as it would have required new equipment. Noor Nanji discusses latest developments in an article on the BBC News website.   … Continue reading Lego ditches oil-free brick in sustainability setback

“The highly profitable and fast-growing bottled water industry is masking the failure of public systems to supply reliable drinking water for all”

As the bottled water market grows, it is more important than ever to strengthen legislation that regulates the industry and its water quality standards. Such legislation can impact bottled water quality control, groundwater exploitation, land use, plastic waste management, carbon emissions, finance and transparency obligations, to mention a few. Zeineb Bouhlel and Vladimir Smakhtin from … Continue reading “The highly profitable and fast-growing bottled water industry is masking the failure of public systems to supply reliable drinking water for all”

New EEA briefing on impact of plastic packaging

Plastics are used across Europe in everything from construction materials to consumer products. Recent policy actions on plastic packaging at EU and national level have established collection schemes and introduced waste prevention measures. However, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing, published this week, a significant fraction of Europe’s total plastic consumption is outside … Continue reading New EEA briefing on impact of plastic packaging

Developing an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution

Michael Birnbaum writes on the Washington Post website about negotiations underway in Uruguay to have an international treaty to reduce plastic pollution. No one says it will be easy. For those wanting to follow latest developments, please go to the Energy Negotiations Bulletin website of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD).   Work is … Continue reading Developing an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution

Companies in Europe not living up to their commitments to reduce plastic packaging

Two-thirds of pledges to go greener on plastic fail or are dropped, a DW investigation has found. Here's how European food and drink companies break their own commitments, and how legislation might hold them accountable. Kira Schacht discusses the findings of the investigation in an article on the Deutsche Welle website.   European food companies … Continue reading Companies in Europe not living up to their commitments to reduce plastic packaging

No matter if your concern is financial, environmental or health-related, there are plenty of reasons to worry about the plastics industry

Declining market share and increased governmental and public pressure should sway the plastics industry toward more sustainable practices, a recent report says. Ethan Freedman discusses in an article on The Independent website.   ‘This industry is an environmental disaster’: Experts warn EU plastics industry to evolve - or die Declining market share and increased regulation are threatening … Continue reading No matter if your concern is financial, environmental or health-related, there are plenty of reasons to worry about the plastics industry