Energy in Demand, May 26, 2024

With elections for the European Parliament approaching on June 6-9, predictions are for a surge of right wing parties and a consequent erosion of the climate and energy agenda.  According to The Economist election tracker, “the environment, including terms such as “climate change”, is a hot topic on the continent’s fringes: it’s most often searched for in Malta and it also seems popular in countries with long coastlines such as Portugal, Spain and Denmark.” The Economist says the greatest interests are in conflicts, cost of living, environment and retirement. Please check out the European Environmental Bureau’s elections site for a European Pact for the Future for a “green and social deal for a one-planet economy.”

To know how to vote, here is a useful link. Now make sure you vote!

As we prepare for COP29 in Azerbaijan in November, remember there is a global call to the UNFCCC to include cultural heritage, the arts and creative sectors in climate policy. See how the ClimateMusic Project connects people to climate science and action through the emotional power of music. What are your views?

In planning travel over the upcoming weeks, here is some useful news to help you along:

B. F. Skinner (1904-1990), an American psychologist, behaviourist, inventor, and social philosopher, provides his views on mistakes: “ A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying.”

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